11 October 2012

One month in Turkey

It's been one month since I arrived to Turkey, it's our cotton anniversary as I like to call it. I hardly can believe it's been only a month - everything seems so familiar, seems that I always knew Küçükpark, I've spend my days in EGE Kampus, I've studied in the Diş Hekimliği faculty... Looking back I still don't believe it has only been a month!

One of the many monuments to Atatürk - EGE University Rectorate

The longing begins to tighten - my family, my friends and my house are starting to be missed. But when my mind wanders to that place, I remind myself that this is a unique experience that I will miss even more when I leave. It's true that in professional terms this hasn't yet been the most rewarding experience yet, but I can't deny that I've seen plenty of stuff that I wouldn't see if I were back at home. One of the things I like the most is having private lessons in the teachers offices. We are only 4 Erasmus at the faculty, and we are really well pampered! Where else could I eat chocolate and cookies while drinking tea during a private lesson? Yes... yes... mhuahuahua! (Sorry about this, I really do enjoy being offered snacks, what can I do against it?)
Another very positive point around here are the people, like our new friends - we even were kindly invited to a new friend's house, where her mother cooked fish for us (because I'm always complaining that there is no fish to be seen here), other friend even offered us a new phone to use, and one teacher invited us to spend a day to show the town around.

Awesome dinner at Gülçin's house

After all, when I'm well aware that when I leave the main memories that will stay are about the friends I made. And in that department I'm very happy. Being from a relatively small community, I truly appreciate the opportunity of meeting so many people from so many different countries and with different ways of thinking. I even got to know that in almost all of Europe people eat salty popcorn while we eat then with sugar, and in Finland they eat them plain! Or seeing the Turkish eating yogurt with everything (on salad, on soup, on pasta, everything) - I can even eat plain yogurt now, like a diabetic. Yeah, most of my impressions of the past few month are about food now that I think of it... x)

Our 1 month commemorative dinner - Pasta with tuna... and french fries!

Finding a bit of home back here -
José Saramago depicted in a newspaper cover.
Becoming more independent and having to do house chores such has cooking, shopping and washing has been a funny experience. I found out that I really like cooking, hate washing and ironing and get nervous when I have to shop, because I hate spending money. But turns out I'm really good at savings and I can buy a week worth of groceries for a nice price, after spending some time searching for the best promotion at the hypermarket! Indirim is my favorite Turkish word.

 The parties are a must-do in Erasmus, and this month has showed it quite well. Personally, I don't like being in a dark and crowded club, surrounded by people who desperate need to drink to have fun. I still don't understand the need to drink all the time, at every possible occasion, since I'm perfectly capable of having a great time without being drunk. So, I'd rather pass most of the club parties, changing them for a great night at a coffe or bar playing Tavla or Damas among friends. Of course that once in a while it's always good to go and socialize a bit =) But for that, nothing better than a flat party, where you can drink, smoke and chat with your favorite gang.

Going to a party once in a while is always nice to be with friends... especially when it's a gypsy party!

One thing that I'm not particularly happy about is our room at the students village. It's quite small for two persons and that makes appreciate my bedroom back at home even more. Besides, I'm always finding bugs everywhere around here - last night it was a very good looking cockroach that was taking a walk in our secretary. But hey... it's an adventure and that's the Erasmus spirit after all. Talking about adventure, I'm starting to understand the traffic here, and I've managed to stay a whole month without being hit by a car. Needless to say that I'm ecstatic about that since I thought I would be runed over in a matter of days.

The Students Village could benefit from larger rooms.... and lower prices!

Traveling to new places has to be one of the best experiences of this Erasmus so far - visiting so many places and different monuments - and knowing that probably I wouldn't go to those places if it wasn't for my stay here - is indescribable. Ruins, beaches, villages, cities, Turkey is a rich country this matter. I hope I will visit even more. But I'm not going to describe this here because I always make a separate post for my travels.

The busy Alsancak, Izmir
In a nutshell, this has been a very positive adventure so far. Being by myself has been a curious experience and every day I discover something new about me and my surroundings. I realize that the things that I miss the most are the most simple ones, like going to my own bedroom and sleeping when I want, having the room in complete darkness, sitting on the sofa and watching TV, or even have a hot bath in my bathtub. Even though I'm starting to miss 'my world' I wouldn't change a thing, and I'm sure the months to come will bring new experiences!

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